Poker Millions!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

My Rules

  1. I should lose no more than £25 in a single month, if I do, then I have to wait until the next month to come by before I can put any more money on the line.
  2. I can never buy-in using more than 50% of my money. This includes winnings. Therefore if my available money for the month to buy-in with is at £30 then I can buy into a game using no more than £15. Then, if I should lose then I can only buy in with £7.50.
  3. I shall be restricted to playing Texas Hold'Em rules as this is what I am used to playing. This should prevent myself from losing money through confusion.
  4. If I lose two games in a row, I cannot play again that day. My definition of a loss is a loss of money, whether it be a single penny or five pounds.
  5. If I should make a habit of losing then I should move down a buy-in level.
  6. I shall not play more than 5 games in any single day.
  7. These rules will be regulated by my owning authority, my most excellent girlfriend Laura.


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