Poker Millions!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Back on the Game

It's been a short while since I logged into my Betfair Poker account and in the first game that I played it didn't exactly welcome me back. I was on a tight budget the whole way through the game until eventually my chips depleted completely. I was a little silly perhaps as I decided to join a £5 + £0.50 game on my return. I lost this money and didn't enjoy it at all.

Things couldn't continue like this could they? To find out I entered a £3 + £0.60 as I figured if my luck was still rotten, I would lose less. Initially my luck was pretty dire, until suddenly I had a good hand and lots of amateurs were throwing chips at me when I had what I thought was probably the best hand, possibly the only strong hand available. Slap!!! That's the sound of my hand beating the newbies into a pulp.

From then on, the game was much easier as I had better control of the table. In the end due to another baron spell of luck I eventually crawled out of the game with £9 in my pocket and a 2nd place badge to go with it.

Overall my poker winnings for the night was a total of (£0 - £5.50 - £3.60) + £9 which if you do the maths is a whopping -£0.10. Bollocks. It was ten pence of good poker though. At least I didn't spend zero pence watching Charlton and Middlesborough cancelling each other out.


At 9:28 am, Blogger Unknown said...



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