Poker Millions!

Friday, March 24, 2006

Fortuitous Friday

With my money standing at £20.20, almost a five pound loss from the start of the month it was time that I did something about it. As I failed to warm up properly yesterday I decided to start on a £3 + £0.60 table. My luck was shocking and I rarely saw an AKQJ or 10 so eventually I bailed with a perhaps badly played or unlucky bluff. Oh well, maybe next time. I was patient, I was careful - perhaps too careful at times.

Having lost more money I decided I should go for the plunge and try to win some back. I entered a £5 + £0.50 single table tournament and sat back waiting for some better luck. It couldn't be as bad as last nights and the previous game! I sat tight and rode the bad cards, persuaded people to pour chips at me and got myself into a strong position.

When there were only 5 players left I got A+K suited and decided that I would bet large. The pre-flop betting was pretty time consuming and eventually we flopped. There was nothing to support and so after the eventual winner of the tournament went all in there I assumed he or she had a flush as all the cards were hearts on the board. I did not want to go out at this stage, I wanted a tenner at least!

I struck some luck at one stage when I thought I was going to come fourth and out of the prizes, fortunately for me the river gave me a flush this time and I won the hand knocking out a player. Ten pounds, awesome. I needed it for repairs to my profit and loss account! That move also put one of the other players in bad shape until eventually his chips ran out, now it was just me and "Saddam".

First deal I was given A+10 which I figured was pretty good considering it was wits against each other. I risked an all in before the flop and to my suprise he followed me in. He had about twice as many chips as me, so he could without fear. The river came out and supported neither of us, the turn supported neither of us and the river supported neither of us. "Saddam" must have had two sixes stored in his nuclear bunker somewhere. I lost the game to that. Rubbish. At least I won £15 though.

The pot returns to a more healthy £26.30 - I'm not exactly breaking any world records here.


At 9:30 am, Blogger Unknown said...

So when are you turning pro?



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